Resilience - säilenõtkus, resilientsus
Deploy - evitama, juurutama
Install - paigaldama
Multi-Tenant - multitenancy, simply: single application for all users.
Idempotent - Idempotentsus. Results of action/functon/process are same for same input.
Entity - Entiteet, olem.
Heterogeneous collection - any type of data in collection.
Homogeneous collection - single type of data in collection.
Homoiconic - code as data. Code used as a data.
Exception - erand. (Et tagada Tõrketõrjed).
Name-mangling - nimemuserdus.
Silos - meeskondade eraldatus, team separations and bad communication.
Escape character - põgenemismärk, põgenemistähis
Tethering mode - lõastamisrežiimiks - ligipääsupunktide (access point) loomise režiim
TechEx - Technological Exploration: Spike or PoC.
String - sõne.
Plugin - pistik.
Thread - lõim.
Thread safety - lõimekindlus.
Value objekt - väärtusobjekt. Identity depends on objet properties/attribute alues.
Immutability - muutumatus.
Duck typing - this principle states that “if it walks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it’s probably a duck.” In other words, an object’s type is determined based on its behavior rather than its class name. Object properties define an object type.
Structural typing - (Go, Elm, ..) typing based on checking an object’s properties and structure to determine compatibility, regardless of class name matching.
Nominal typing - (Mostly Java, C++) typing based on class names; two objects must be of the same class to be considered the same type, regardless of property alignment.
Type inference - the programming language automatically deduces object types based on their usage and properties, reducing the need for explicit type declarations.
Latent typing - Object types are not strictly defined and can be partially hidden or dynamically determined based on behavior.
Behavioral typing - typing based on an object’s behavior, focusing on available methods and functions rather than the class it belongs to.
Ad-hoc polymorphism - different objects can have methods or functions with the same name, but their behavior varies depending on the object’s type or properties.
Concept-based typing - objects are classified into types based on the concepts or properties they exhibit, allowing more flexibility in type control.
Vendor lock in - müüjale lukustumine (sõltuvus müüjast, raskendatud migratsioon, lukustatud ökosüsteem, pikaajalised kulud).
PWA - Progressive Web App. Offline + like a desktop application.
SPA - Single-Page Application. Loaded single html with dynamic updates in it.
MPA - Multi-Page Application. Traditional multiple pages loading.
Responsive design* - seadmetundlik disain.
Ubiquitous language - (Üldkasutatav keel) using a common, shared vocabulary and terms, those can be understood by technical and non-technical team members (developers, domain experts, and stakeholders).
pure function - no side effects (no mutation of local static variables, non-local variables, mutable reference arguments or input/output streams), idempotent, no mutable variables.